6000 W. Broad St. | Richmond, VA 23230 | Text (804) 698-0001 | Jennifer@CatalystFitRVA.com
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Jesse Kidd
I've studied under a wide variety of sources, from Division I NCAA programs to outpatient Physical Therapy clinics. Medical limitations and rehabilitation needs are areas of strength. I am certified both as a Personal Trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine, and also as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. I am also certified as a HSA Nutritional Therapist.
I've combined my extensive athletic experience with a research-based methodology to work closely with clients achieving a wide range of goals. I have significant training experience ranging from elite athletes to clients simply looking to get in shape and starting a fitness program for the first time.
Working with Jen with the data that we have been able to gather through fitness testing has been game changing. We now have the ability to precisely evaluate nutritional needs and really dial in the training protocol of each client. Your time is valuable, and we want you to get the most out of your workouts.
I've worked at Gold's Gym as a Personal Trainer, Fitness Manager, Head Trainer, and eventually as the only Master Trainer in Virginia. Jen and I are excited to take our experience and tools at our disposal and create Richmond's premiere fitness location.
Schedule a consultation or contact me for training options!