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Diabetes Reversal Program

  • HbA1c above 6.5 

  • Fasting glucose above 125 mg/dl

  • Plasma glucose (2 hours after 75g glucose load) above 200 mg/dl

  • Clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes

3-Month Targets

  • Decrease of HbA1c of 20% 

  • Reduction or elimination of need for medication

  • Implementation of long-term dietary strategies specific to client

  • Body insulin sensitivity repair

Type 2 diabetes is wrongly considered an irreversible disease.  The typical long-term standard of care manages increasing insulin resistance with ever-increasing medication, eventually causing failure at a cellular level.  This can present as organ failure, vision loss, and a myriad of other serious problems resulting in a shortened life expectancy.


At it's core, diabetes is usually a problem of chronically elevated sugar in the body.  We use a low-carbohydrate diet combined with exercise and lifestyle strategies designed to optimally allow the body to get back to normal sugar levels and eventually heal.


Additionally, a key marker in diabetes improvement is weight.  Insulin is an anabolic hormone and will cause weight gain on its own, in addition to its role in gluconeogensis (storing glucose as fat in cells).  Lowering insulin levels allows for easier weight loss without the metabolic shutdown that can come from significant caloric restriction.


Why We Use a LC/HF or Ketogenic Diet For Weight Loss


Newly diagnosed T2D clients (typically in the 6.5-7.5% HbA1C range) will usually see a drop to below diabetic levels during the initial 3-month period.


We will work with you and your medical provider to adjust and reduce related medication as appropriate.  We encourage that you confer with your physician before starting any program resulting in a change in diet or physical activity.


Diabetes Prevention Program

  • HbA1c between 5.7 and 6.4

  • Fasting glucose between 100 and 125 mg/dl

  • Plasma glucose (2 hours after 75g glucose load) between 140 and 199 mg/dl

  • Clinically diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during a previous pregnancy

  • You qualify as AT RISK through the screening result for type 2 diabetes on the American Diabetes Association Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test (

Catalyst Fit is proud to team with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in offering the Diabetes Prevention Program.  


The DPP is a lifestyle change program proven to delay and even prevent Type 2 diabetes and other significant health problems in at-risk populations.


While anyone is welcome, the DPP is primarily intended for adults with prediabetes. As It is estimated that up to 70% of adults with prediabetes will eventually develop type 2 diabetes, early intervention is key.(1)


As one of the few fitness centers with that also follow CDC DPP guidelines, Catalyst Fit uses a holistic program focusing on improving the body-insulin relationship through nutrition, specific exercise and activity, stress control, and general wellness.

  1. Tabák AG, et al., "Prediabetes: A high-risk state for developing diabetes". Lancet. June 16, 2012.

© 2023 Catalyst Fit

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